The Weathering Nature of Weather and Nature

The great outdoors benefits us in all weather, even when it’s less ideal for tanning. Both adults and children will benefit from the sun’s natural Vitamin D boost even when there’s clouds, lower stress hormones (cortisol), and improved memory. Nature provides a...

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What’s the weather today?

Some of you reached for your nearest weather app to learn the answer to this question. How many of you have already been outside today? How many of you check the weather using your senses before you get dressed in the mornings?

Spring is upon us, and with it, warmer weather! For most of us, this time signifies an end to spending all day indoors, seasonal affective disorder, and generally feeling bummed out. Unless… it’s raining. Or colder than it was yesterday. But we need to spend time outdoors every day, not just when it’s “nice” out.

Encouraging a child to go outside in all weather builds resilience, but more importantly it saved them from spending their life merely tolerating the “bad” days in favor of a handful of “good” ones – a life of endless expectations and conditions where happiness hinges on sunshine.

The great outdoors benefits us in all weather, even when it’s less ideal for tanning. Both adults and children will benefit from the sun’s natural Vitamin D boost even when there’s clouds, lower stress hormones (cortisol), and improved memory. Nature provides a stimulating environment for children who are learning and becoming curious about the world around them. The natural world also has a broader area for physical activity to occur in. And who says tag can only be played in the sun anyways?

Making the decision to enjoy nature every day will allow you to enjoy the benefits of nature every day. So here at Cameron Pediatric Counseling, we want to send you a challenge: Go outside for 30 days for ten minutes or more, no matter the weather. Bonus points if you don’t use an app to dress for the weather and learn using your senses. You can use this printout to document the experience, and let us know how it goes at Let’s put a spring in our steps together!

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