Family Therapy

Family Therapy


Family therapy offers families a way to develop or maintain a healthy, functional family. Family therapy (or family counseling) is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and function of a family. It can be used to help a family through a difficult period of time, a major transition, or mental or behavioral health problems in family members.


We specialize in making family counseling unique to each family. We do individual sessions, parent sessions, sibling sessions and family sessions. There is no “talking stick” in any session and we ensure that no matter what your family situation is that we let things happen organically. If you child isn’t ready, that’s ok, we use our clinical judgment based on your individual family dynamics and build our sessions around that as to what will benefit everyone the most.


Why do people choose to come to family counseling? Counseling doesn’t always have to come after a situation has arose. Sometimes, it is to be proactive prior to a divorce, move, new baby, etc. We work together to get through the transition and come up with a plan of continuing support.


Child and adolescent behavioral problems


Benefits of Family Therapy

  • A better understanding of healthy boundaries and family patterns and dynamics
  • Enhanced communication
  • Improved problem solving
  • Deeper empathy
  • Reduced conflict and better anger management skills
  • Bringing the family together after a crisis
  • Creating honesty between family members
  • Instilling trust in family members
  • Developing a supportive family environment
  • Reducing sources of tension and stress within the family
  • Helping family members forgive each other
  • Conflict resolution for family members
  • Bringing back family members who have been isolated


Family therapy can enhance skills required for healthy family functioning, including communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. Improving these skills for each member of the family increases the potential for success in overcoming or addressing family problems. In family therapy, the focus is on providing all family members with the tools they need to facilitate a healthy, functioning family. 

All of the staff here at CPC is full-time, this allows our clients access to us day in and day out for treatment and assessments. We make sure your children and teens are comfortable, we will not make this a traumatic experience for them. We do not have to rehash things that make them uncomfortable. We do not find this to be necessary to be able to make a complete diagnosis and make our recommendations.